Sensory Shaving Cream Spelling - Pool Noodles & Pixie Dust

Sensory Shaving Cream Spelling

My son is a very sensory, tactile, kinesthetic learner, so the more senses and movements I can add to an activity the better. Especially if it’s really messy and makes him feel like it isn’t “school” at all. I love thinking up new ways to get him excited about spelling in particular, because it’s a […]

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Math Games for Kinesthetic Learners - Ideas to help teach kinesthetic math to kinesthetic learners. Pool Noodles & Pixie Dust

Math Games for Kinesthetic Learners

Math is one of those subjects that can easily be filled with worksheets and seat work. Especially, for a mama who has had her own struggles with math. It can be easier to put a worksheet in front of my son then to start from scratch designing activities for him. But, kinesthetic math activities are […]

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