Gifts From Jesus - Pool Noodles & Pixie Dust

Gifts From Jesus

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Last year my family took a roadschooling trip across the country to try to get the wanderlust out of our systems. But, it backfired. Thankfully! And, we’re back at it. We are now a full-time RVing family. Which in practical terms means, we have downsized from a 3 bedroom home to about 300 square feet.

So, if I’m being honest, the thought of a mound of Christmas presents needing a place to go on December 26th sort of terrified me this year. And, it definelty doesn’t feel much like a representation of the true meaning of the holiday.


Gifts From Jesus. A simplified and purposeful holiday.


Living in a small space has changed a lot about how we live our lives and how holidays look for us. For instance, our Christmas tree is a foot tall potted plant. Last years tree was green garland wrapped in colored lights and hung on the wall in the shape of a tree. And, it did feel strange to me at first. But this year, it felt good. No mess, no fuss. Just a little real tree on top of the dining room or picnic table. Life simplified. I think cutting back on the number of gifts under the tree is just a natural extension of full-time RVing.

But, as far as gifts or belongings go, cutting back isn’t the only answer. It has to accompany the extra thought and purpose of behind each. Everything has to have meaning or purpose or there’s no space for it in our small living quarters. It makes us really think about what’s important. And at Christmas, that’s Jesus, not a bunch of gifts.

The terror of an impending gift avalanche coupled with the desire to find a way to really help my children connect this materialized holiday with Christ, brought about the idea to give them each several gifts from Jesus this year.

Our solution, was to buy an assortment of boxes and put a present in each that represented a gift that Jesus gave to the world by being born. The gifts of Jesus we chose to represent include: hope, salvation, restoration, love, mercy and more. Each gift will be accompanied by a verse to deepen our children’s understanding.

Read more about how we did this and get your free printables from Life of a Homeschool Mom.

May you have a simple, but wonderful holiday this year.

Merry Christmas,



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Hi, I'm Heidi a Jesus-loving homeschool Mama traveling the country with my full time RVing family. I'm passionate about simplifying your homeschool or classroom days by providing quality resources and support.