Building family through simple holiday traditions - Pool Noodles & Pixie Dust

Simple Holiday Traditions

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Do you have a memory that sticks with you from childhood holidays?

One of my favorite parts of our Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations always happened after the meal. When all the dishes were cleared away and the frenzy of all the food preparation, feasting and clean-up had passed.

We were always at my grandparent’s house along with all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. And, after the meal was over my grandmother would pull out pies, fudge, and other goodies and set them on her kitchen counter. Leaving the table cleared for us to gather there and play games together. 

We’d pull out game boards or cards and play for hours talking and laughing. Just relaxing in each others company.

For a little girl, it was pure bliss. All of the adults I loved were suddenly not busy, not headed to work, and all in one place to sit with me at the table and just play games.

Isn’t it funny how it’s those simple memories that stay with us? It’s been years since we were all together like that, but they were some of the best times I spent with my family. And, so the memories remain.

This year I want to focus on our table and building traditions around it. Traditions that will become my children’s favorite childhood memories.

Find out some of the ways I’m working to build traditions around our family’s table this holiday season and grab a downloadable freebie to help in an article I wrote for my friend Heather at Life of a Homeschool Mom.





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Hi, I'm Heidi a Jesus-loving homeschool Mama traveling the country with my full time RVing family. I'm passionate about simplifying your homeschool or classroom days by providing quality resources and support.