Letter N in Letter of the Week Series - Play Ideas, Book List, Animals that start with N, and a printable Letter N Notebook full of fun crafts and activities all about letter N! Pool Noodles & Pixie Dust

Letter of the Week – Letter N

N is for nest, necklace, and ninja this week as we continue our Letter of the Week Series with Letter N! Each week for 26 weeks I created a new printable activity pack all about the focus letter of the week. The corresponding posts include book lists, a list of animals that start with the letter […]

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Building family through simple holiday traditions - Pool Noodles & Pixie Dust

Simple Holiday Traditions

Do you have a memory that sticks with you from childhood holidays? One of my favorite parts of our Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations always happened after the meal. When all the dishes were cleared away and the frenzy of all the food preparation, feasting and clean-up had passed. We were always at my grandparent’s house along […]

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Letter of the Week - Letter M - Book List, Animals that start with M, Play Ideas, and a printable Letter M Notebook - Pool Noodles & Pixie Dust

Letter of the Week – Letter M

M is for moon and mask this week as we continue our Letter of the Week Series with Letter M! Each week for 26 weeks I created a new printable activity pack all about the focus letter of the week. The corresponding posts include book lists, a list of animals that start with the letter of […]

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DIY taste-safe, no-cook, 4-ingredient pumpkin pie play dough recipe for fun fall sensory play.

Pumpkin Pie Playdough

Earlier this week, when we were doing our fall writing prompts about our favorite fall smells I got out our pumpkin pie spice for my daughter to smell. And, it’s amazing scent got me thinking about making some DIY taste-safe pumpkin pie playdough. I had some canned pumpkin in the cabinet to make pumpkin overnight […]

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Letter of the Week - Letter L Book List, Animals that start with L, play ideas and a printable Letter L Notebook to help with your letter L week.

Letter of the Week – Letter L

L is for ladybug and leaf this week as we continue our Letter of the Week Series with Letter L! Each week for 26 weeks I created a new printable activity pack all about the focus letter of the week. The corresponding posts include book lists, a list of animals that start with the letter of […]

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Try an Apple Pie Sensory Bin this fall for a simple sensory activity! Include, oatmeal, cinnamon sticks, and homemade apple chips.

Apple Pie Sensory Bin

We are doing all the fall sensory play we can think up in our homeschool right now. And, loving it! Earlier this week we made taste-safe Pumpkin Pie Playdough and now we’re onto our Apple Pie Sensory Bin! Yes, we love pie;) And, with Thanksgiving only a few weeks away we have pie on the […]

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Fall Writing Prompts for Kids

Fall is full of new sights, smells, and tastes. And, that makes it a perfect topic for fall writing prompts! My kids and I have been talking about and experiencing fall quite a bit lately. From sitting around the table peeling apples for applesauce to exploring the many forms that pumpkins and gourds can take […]

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Letter of the Week - Letter K Ideas for a week of Letter K play, books, and animals to learn about. Plus a printable Letter K Notebook!

Letter of the Week – Letter K

K is for kangaroo and kite this week as we continue our Letter of the Week Series with Letter K! Each week for 26 weeks I created a new printable activity pack all about the focus letter of the week. The corresponding posts include book lists, a list of animals that start with the letter of […]

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Acrostic Poetry Printables for fun fall themed poetry activities - Pool Noodles & Pixie Dust

Acrostic Pumpkin Poetry

Put a twist on your poetry study this fall with fall-themed acrostic pumpkin poetry! Acrostic Poetry is done using letters in a line, usually the first letters of a word or phrase. But, it can also be done using middle or end letters. It is a fun way to play with words, letters, and syllables […]

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Letter of the Week - Letter J - Book list, play ideas, and printable Letter J Notebook

Letter of the Week – Letter J

J is for jellyfish, jellybean, and jump rope this week as we continue our Letter of the Week Series with Letter J! Each week for 26 weeks I created a new printable activity pack all about the focus letter of the week. The corresponding posts include book lists, a list of animals that start with the […]

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